Learn to Burn Workshops

Whether you manage ten or ten thousand acres, prescribed fire should be part of your land management plan. Burning should be conducted to ensure that your management objectives will be met, while minimizing the likelihood for escaped fire and smoke liability. This one-day workshop will outline benefits of using fire as a management tool on your property, where to go, and who to contact when you need assistance, and how burns are conducted safely and successfully. You will also have the chance to actively participate in a prescribed burn (conditions permitting).
Watch a video from our 2018 Learn to Burn Workshop in southeast Virginia.
Topics Covered May Include
- Virginia Burning Laws
- FireWise
- Virginia Certified Burner Program
- Benefits of Prescribed Burning
- Prescribed Burning Weather
- Ignition Techniques/Types of Prescribed Burns
- Private Landowner Assistance Programs
- Tools for Prescribed Burning
- Hands-on burning experience for all participants (weather permitting)
Who Should Take this Course
Private landowners who are interested in using prescribed burning to safely and effectively meet their woodland management goals.
For safety reasons, appropriate attire will be require to participate in the prescribed burns. Appropriate attire includes:
- Nomex shirt and pants (provided)
- Leather gloves (provided)
- Safety glasses and hard hats (provided)
- Clothing made from cotton or wool (synthetic fibers can melt)
- Long pants
- Leather boots

Presentations from the 2018 Learn & Burn Workshop
Prescribed Fire Resources
- Introduction to Southeastern Prescribed Fire On-line Course
- North Carolina Certified Burner Program
- Virginia Certified Prescribed Burner Program