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Virginia Tree Farm Foundation

Photo of  Dale and Joneen Sargent with their Tree Farm of the Year sign at the Virginia Forestry Summit
2024 Tree Farmers of the Year Dale and Joneen Sargent, owners of Demeter Tree Farm in Bland County.

A primary component of the Virginia Tree Farm Foundation is providing outreach to Virginia's 800+ Tree Farmers and education about Tree Farm to other woodland owners.  

The Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program partners with the Virginia Tree Farm Foundation to offer an annual series of Tree Farm Tours.  These tours bring woodland owners together to visit an active Tree Farm, learn about the Virginia Tree Farm Foundation, and provide fellowship among those who care about healthy woods and active woodland management. You do not need to be a Tree Farmer to attend. See the sidebar for upcoming Tours.  Learn more about the Virginia Tree Farm Foundation.

On November 1st, 2019, the Virginia Tree Farm Foundation became a fee-based certification program.  The fee is $100 to certify a new Tree Farm and a $50 annual certification fee for all Tree Farms.  Owners of more than 1 Tree Farm will be charged $50 per Tree Farm, up to a maximum annual fee of $250. For more information, see Tree Farm fee FAQs.  

Virginia has a Landscape Management Plan (LMP) for all counties east of, and including, Route 29.  Visit the Tree Farm Foundation's LMP FAQ page to learn what this is and how it may benefit you.

If you are a natural resource professional and want to be involved with the Virginia Tree Farm Foundation, please consider becomming a Tree Farm Inspector.  If you meet the education/professional requirements, you simply need to attend a 4-hour in-person or virtual training to become certified.  Contact Nancy Godwin,, to find out about upcoming inspector trainings.