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Historic Virginia Timber Stumpage Prices

Historic Virginia timber stumpage (standing timber) prices are useful in assessing current market conditions. They may  also be the best or only way for a landowner to calculate basis for income tax purposes when timber is sold. These historic price data have been compiled from TimberMart-South

Stumpage price data are reported for six timber product categories (pine sawtimber, chip-n-saw, and pulpwood, and oak sawtimber, mixed hardwood sawtimber, and pulpwood).  These prices are averaged across the entire state per quarter. As such, they only serve as reference points and are not the exact prices landowners will be paid for their timber.

The actual price a landowner will be paid for their timber depends on many factors. These include: total acreage to be harvested, species, age, size, quality (straightness), condition of forest roads, accessibility, distance to mill, terrain, and demand.

Pine sawtimber refers to logs or trees that are large enough, and of a high enough quality, to be sawn into lumber. These values are per thousand board feet (MBF) measured with the International 1/4" log rule

Line chart showing price trends, by quarter, for pine sawtimber from 1992-2024. Prices range from just under $100 USD per thousand (International 1/4") to $225.
Year Quarter Average Price (USD)
2024 2 107.53
2024 1 109.84
2023 4 103.02
2023 3 110.33
2023 2 117.32
2023 1 113.63
2022 4 120.01
2022 3 107.42
2022 2 116.05
2022 1 121.22
2021 4 112.97
2021 3 117.32
2021 2 110.83
2021 1 116.16
2020 4 118.64
2020 3 112.59
2020 2 109.67
2020 1 116.99
2019 4 119.19
2019 3 109.45
2019 2 111.00
2019 1 133.00
2018 4 133.00
2018 3 129.00
2018 2 120.00
2018 1 122.00
2017 4 123.00
2017 3 122.00
2017 2 122.00
2017 1 128.00
2016 4 133.00
2016 3 130.00
2016 2 125.00
2016 1 145.00
2015 4 147.00
2015 3 141.00
2015 2 146.00
2015 1 Missing
2014 4 155.00
2014 3 150.00
2014 2 157.00
2014 1 139.00
2013 4 149.00
2013 3 147.00
2013 2 139.00
2013 1 141.00
2012 4 132.00
2012 3 141.00
2012 2 126.00
2012 1 143.00
2011 4 135.00
2011 3 124.00
2011 2 134.00
2011 1 148.00
2010 4 143.00
2010 3 149.00
2010 2 154.00
2010 1 159.00
2009 4 156.00
2009 3 141.00
2009 2 151.00
2009 1 159.00
2008 4 155.00
2008 3 162.00
2008 2 186.00
2008 1 209.00
2007 4 219.00
2007 3 222.00
2007 2 216.00
2007 1 234.00
2006 4 198.00
2006 3 187.00
2006 2 197.00
2006 1 197.00
2005 4 199.00
2005 3 197.00
2005 2 207.00
2005 1 191.00
2004 4 199.00
2004 3 172.00
2004 2 173.00
2004 1 166.00
2003 4 159.00
2003 3 173.00
2003 2 213.00
2003 1 185.00
2002 4 207.00
2002 3 187.00
2002 2 180.00
2002 1 179.00
2001 4 167.00
2001 3 185.00
2001 2 171.00
2001 1 187.00
2000 4 186.00
2000 3 223.00
2000 2 196.00
2000 1 202.00
1999 4 171.00
1999 3 170.00
1999 2 206.00
1999 1 151.00
1998 4 205.00
1998 3 168.00
1998 2 158.00
1998 1 163.00
1997 4 168.00
1997 3 158.00
1997 2 163.00
1997 1 174.00
1996 4 152.00
1996 3 128.00
1996 2 153.00
1996 1 177.00
1995 4 161.00
1995 3 132.00
1995 2 152.00
1995 1 176.00
1994 4 189.00
1994 3 144.00
1994 2 127.00
1994 1 118.00
1993 4 114.00
1993 3 111.00
1993 2 144.00
1993 1 150.00
1992 4 122.00
1992 3 108.00
1992 2 110.00
1992 1 88.00
1991 4 108.00*
1991 3 117.00*
1991 2 100.00*
1991 1 98.00*
1990 4 110.00*
1990 3 106.00*
1990 2 107.00*
1990 1 95.00*

*These values are based on the Scribner log rule

Mixed hardwood sawtimber refers to logs or trees that are large enough, and of a high enough quality, to be sawn into lumber. These prices cover a mix of hardwood species. These values are per thousand board feet (MBF) measured with the Doyle log rule

Line chart showing price trends for hardwood sawtimber from 1990 through 2024 by quarter. Prices range from $75 USD per thousand board feet (Doyle) to $300.
Year Quarter  
2024 2 289.71
2024 1 279.45
2023 4 271.26
2023 3 274.14
2023 2 263.25
2023 1 267.30
2022 4 256.05
2022 3 275.13
2022 2 234.09
2022 1 292.77
2021 4 302.22
2021 3 325.35
2021 2 271.71
2021 1 278.18
2020 4 271.62
2020 3 273.87
2020 2 281.97
2020 1 278.19
2019 4 271.89
2019 3 298.80
2019 2 278.00
2019 1 267.00
2018 4 269.00
2018 3 273.00
2018 2 283.00
2018 1 275.00
2017 4 267.00
2017 3 237.00
2017 2 236.00
2017 1 248.00
2016 4 263.00
2016 3 252.00
2016 2 272.00
2016 1 243.00
2015 4 261.00
2015 3 287.00
2015 2 289.00
2015 1 Missing
2014 4 279.00
2014 3 262.00
2014 2 223.00
2014 1 279.00
2013 4 207.00
2013 3 185.00
2013 2 165.00
2013 1 170.00
2012 4 157.00
2012 3 154.00
2012 2 155.00
2012 1 155.00
2011 4 198.00
2011 3 159.00
2011 2 171.00
2011 1 141.00
2010 4 152.00
2010 3 145.00
2010 2 135.00
2010 1 128.00
2009 4 135.00
2009 3 141.00
2009 2 137.00
2009 1 143.00
2008 4 159.00
2008 3 177.00
2008 2 179.00
2008 1 174.00
2007 4 198.00
2007 3 166.00
2007 2 166.00
2007 1 232.00
2006 4 193.00
2006 3 159.00
2006 2 178.00
2006 1 163.00
2005 4 168.00
2005 3 162.00
2005 2 173.00
2005 1 181.00
2004 4 252.00
2004 3 159.00
2004 2 131.00
2004 1 212.00
2003 4 201.00
2003 3 186.00
2003 2 154.00
2003 1 176.00
2002 4 162.00
2002 3 165.00
2002 2 199.00
2002 1 195.00
2001 4 175.00
2001 3 197.00
2001 2 162.00
2001 1 164.00
2000 4 170.00
2000 3 163.00
2000 2 148.00
2000 1 141.00
1999 4 161.00
1999 3 135.00
1999 2 100.00
1999 1 119.00
1998 4 107.00
1998 3 98.00
1998 2 147.00
1998 1 124.00
1997 4 98.00
1997 3 147.00
1997 2 124.00
1997 1 138.00
1996 4 112.00
1996 3 110.00
1996 2 128.00
1996 1 161.00
1995 4 143.00
1995 3 123.00
1995 2 136.00
1995 1 155.00
1994 4 91.00
1994 3 103.00
1994 2 132.00
1994 1 154.00
1993 4 158.00
1993 3 192.00
1993 2 190.00
1993 1 133.00
1992 4 89.00
1992 3 98.00
1992 2 95.00
1992 1 116.00
1991 4 96.00
1991 3 87.00
1991 2 83.00
1991 1 94.00
1990 4 86.00
1990 3 78.00
1990 2 83.00
1990 1 72.00

Chip-N-Saw is a timber product that yields two-by-fours and chips. Logs used for this product are typially smaller than logs used for sawtimber. Values are pr ton of greenwood (not dried).

A line chart showing pine chip and saw price trends in Virignia by quarter between 2017-2024. Prices rance from just over $17.50 per ton to just under $20.
Year Quarter Average Price (USD)
2024 2 18.85
2024 1 18.55
2023 4 18.25
2023 3 19.35
2023 2 17.37
2023 1 18.72
2022 4 18.75
2022 3 17.82
2022 2 17.27
2022 1 19.54
2021 4 18.30
2021 3 19.89
2021 2 19.07
2021 1 19.95
2020 4 18.89
2020 3 19.07
2020 2 18.19
2020 1 19.60
2019 4 19.69
2019 3 18.14
2019 2 18.58
2019 1 19.67
2018 4 18.21
2018 3 17.76
2018 2 17.81
2018 1 17.92
2017 4 17.68
2017 3 17.97

Pine pulpwood refers to small trees or trees otherwise not suitable for sawing into lumber. Pulpwood trees are chipped to make products such as paper. Values are per ton of greenwood (not dried).  

Line chart showing price trends for pine pulpwood from 1992-2024 by quarter. Prices range from just over $4 USD per ton to almost $14.
Year Quarter Average Price (USD)
2024 2 9.62
2024 1 9.29
2023 4 9.33
2023 3 9.19
2023 2 10.00
2023 1 11.36
2022 4 12.27
2022 3 12.38
2022 2 10.80
2022 1 12.66
2021 4 11.96
2021 3 11.28
2021 2 11.21
2021 1 12.50
4 11.01
2020 3 11.31
2020 2 10.53
2020 1 10.99
2019 4 12.42
2019 3 10.25
2019 2 12.04
2019 1 13.36
2018 4 12.06
2018 3 11.03
2018 2 10.63
2018 1 10.67
2017 4 11.00
2017 3 10.21
2017 2 10.59
2017 1 11.21
2016 4 12.10
2016 3 13.74
2016 2 12.67
2016 1 12.60
2015 4 11.08
2015 3 12.86
2015 2 12.12
2015 1 Missing
2014 4 13.15
2014 3 12.40
2014 2 12.46
2014 1 11.61
2013 4 11.51
2013 3 12.15
2013 2 11.72
2013 1 11.57
2012 4 9.90
2012 3 9.28
2012 2 8.94
2012 1 7.96
2011 4 8.86
2011 3 7.45
2011 2 8.46
2011 1 8.48
2010 4 7.38
2010 3 7.85
2010 2 7.35
2010 1 8.37
2009 4 8.16
2009 3 6.83
2009 2 6.42
2009 1 6.74
2008 4 8.14
2008 3 6.58
2008 2 6.62
2008 1 6.70
2007 4 6.94
2007 3 8.04
2007 2 7.60
2007 1 7.48
2006 4 6.85
2006 3 6.47
2006 2 6.31
2006 1 7.43
2005 4 7.36
2005 3 7.64
2005 2 7.47
2005 1 8.01
2004 4 5.65
2004 3 7.84
2004 2 7.40
2004 1 9.24
2003 4 6.56
2003 3 9.72
2003 2 8.96
2003 1 8.51
2002 4 7.96
2002 3 7.84
2002 2 7.87
2002 1 7.48
2001 4 8.10
2001 3 8.74
2001 2 8.87
2001 1 9.17
2000 4 9.63
2000 3 9.87
2000 2 9.36
2000 1 9.90
1999 4 8.72
1999 3 7.97
1999 2 7.49
1999 1 8.06
1998 4 Missing
1998 3 8.49
1998 2 9.00
1998 1 8.51
1997 4 6.85
1997 3 7.85
1997 2 6.87
1997 1 6.94
1996 4 5.43
1996 3 6.12
1996 2 4.75
1996 1 6.81
1995 4 5.39
1995 3 4.38
1995 2 4.85
1995 1 4.68
1994 4 4.40
1994 3 4.94
1994 2 4.94
1994 1 4.59
1993 4 4.86
1993 3 5.19
1993 2 4.61
1993 1 4.65
1992 4 5.57
1992 3 5.04
1992 2 4.66
1992 1 4.85
1991 4 11.83*
1991 3 11.67*
1991 2 11.17*
1991 1 8.83*
1990 4 11.17*
1990 3 12.40*
1990 2 13.33*
1990 1 13.75*

*These values are reported per cord of wood

Hardwood pulpwood refers to small trees or trees otherwise not suitable for sawing into lumber. Pulpwood trees are chipped to make products such as paper. Values are per ton of greenwood (not dried). 

Line chart showing price trends for hardwood pulpwood from 1992-2024 by quarter. Prices range from just over $1 USD per ton to almost $13.
Year Quarter Average Price (USD)
2024 2 7.34
2024 1 6.62
2023 4 6.07
2023 3 6.14
2023 2 7.18
2023 1 8.54
2022 4 9.23
2022 3 9.93
2022 2 8.49
2022 1 10.45
2021 4 9.51
2021 3 8.55
2021 2 8.07
2021 1 9.72
2020 4 6.70
2020 3 6.39
2020 2 6.00
2020 1 6.90
2019 4 7.75
2019 3 6.67
2019 2 7.45
2019 1 9.46
2018 4 7.67
2018 3 6.16
2018 2 5.59
2018 1 6.02
2017 4 5.92
2017 3 5.84
2017 2 6.53
2017 1 7.09
2016 4 6.70
2016 3 6.77
2016 2 8.24
2016 1 9.27
2015 4 11.08
2015 3 12.86
2015 2 12.12
2015 1 Missing
2014 4 8.89
2014 3 9.13
2014 2 7.97
2014 1 6.80
2013 4 5.33
2013 3 5.36
2013 2 5.24
2013 1 3.95
2012 4 4.46
2012 3 4.00
2012 2 3.80
2012 1 3.61
2011 4 3.80
2011 3 4.76
2011 2 4.53
2011 1 4.28
2010 4 4.75
2010 3 3.62
2010 2 3.47
2010 1 4.86
2009 4 3.72
2009 3 3.69
2009 2 2.96
2009 1 3.57
2008 4 4.49
2008 3 3.35
2008 2 2.92
2008 1 2.81
2007 4 3.24
2007 3 4.75
2007 2 2.93
2007 1 4.16
2006 4 3.29
2006 3 2.76
2006 2 2.54
2006 1 2.74
2005 4 3.04
2005 3 2.49
2005 2 2.78
2005 1 2.53
2004 4 4.05
2004 3 3.02
2004 2 1.88
2004 1 4.57
2003 4 2.85
2003 3 4.51
2003 2 4.06
2003 1 4.65
2002 4 3.72
2002 3 2.67
2002 2 2.75
2002 1 2.57
2001 4 3.37
2001 3 3.05
2001 2 2.51
2001 1 2.60
2000 4 2.59
2000 3 2.48
2000 2 2.22
2000 1 2.98
1999 4 2.97
1999 3 2.26
1999 2 1.70
1999 1 2.25
1998 4 Missing
1998 3 3.38
1998 2 3.17
1998 1 3.07
1997 4 3.08
1997 3 2.05
1997 2 1.85
1997 1 2.69
1996 4 2.50
1996 3 2.05
1996 2 1.77
1996 1 2.50
1995 4 2.87
1995 3 2.55
1995 2 3.15
1995 1 1.67
1994 4 1.56
1994 3 1.47
1994 2 1.63
1994 1 1.62
1993 4 1.53
1993 3 1.56
1993 2 1.75
1993 1 1.72
1992 4 1.47
1992 3 1.55
1992 2 1.19
1992 1 1.29
1991 4 5.33*
1991 3 4.00*
1991 2 4.17*
1991 1 3.17*
1990 4 4.83*
1990 3 5.17*
1990 2 6.80*
1990 1 6.00*

*These values are reported per cord.

Oak Sawtimber

Oak sawtimber refers to logs or trees that are large enough, and of a high enough quality, to be sawn into lumber. These prices include all oak species. These values are reported in tons. 

Historical oak sawtimber prices
Year Quarter  
2024 2 52.21
2024 1 47.07
2023 4 44.84
2023 3 44.85
2023 2 44.66
2023 1 46.60
2022 4 50.55
2022 3 50.65
2022 2 53.43
2022 1 58.77
2021 4 55.80
2021 3 58.15
2021 2 45.89
2021 1 47.05
2020 4 45.79
2020 3 46.11
2020 2 47.59
2020 1 46.68
2019 4 43.15
2019 3 48.52
2019 2 41.81
2019 1 43.17
2018 4 44.68
2018 3 43.70
2018 2 45.15
2018 1 43.92
2017 4 42.70
2017 3 39.49
2017 2 43.54
2017 1 42.54
2016 4 39.35
2016 3 38.13
2016 2 45.58
2016 1 48.73
2015 4 38.49
2015 3 42.24
2015 2 37.83
2015 1 48.74
2014 4 41.18